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Ken Bowen will served as the new Director of Real Estate and Property Management Program


IFMA US Headquarter is pleased to announce the appointment of Ken Bowen as the new Director of Real Estate and Property Management Program, which was resolved by IFMA Board Meeting in August 18th 2008. Mr. Bowen will be responsible for new training programs related to real estate investment and property management for IFMA focusing on the Financial Management with special emphasis in the Real Estate sector.

Kenneth Bowen spent over 30 years in the aerospace industry, and held management positions at several aerospace companies. He is a Certified Professional Manager (Retired), and was a Registered Professional Engineer, in Texas, for over 25 years. He is currently a candidate for the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation in Commercial Real Estate. He is also President of the Houston Chapter of the Texas Association of Business Brokers.
He received a Bachelor? Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana State University, and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Houston.

©2008 International Financial Management Association (IFMA)