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Educating for Global Competitiveness


April 6, 2017 by IFMA Houston

James Leavens and Sylvia Ho of IFMA Houston headquarters joined the program at Asia Society Houston on April 6, 2017. Sylvia emphasized that  culture play a significant role in education, business and public service when a business expand to a new territory.At a time when citizens are more aware than ever before of the benefits and disadvantages of globalization, America and other countries are considering the best ways to face the future in a global world. A key piece of this conversation is education—how do we best prepare all individuals to be globally competitive? Answering this question requires awareness, investment, and efforts from stakeholders and leaders across all sectors. Asia Society and prominent leaders and thinkers in education, business, philanthropy, and public service will discuss the trends in civic life, commerce, and employment that are affecting education and America’s competitiveness in a global economy.

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This program is being offered in recognition of the 10th annual National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC), being held in Houston on April 6-8, 2017. NCLC is dedicated to enhancing the nation’s capacity for the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture by sharing cutting-edge practices and examples with educators and policymakers

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